VicScreen is Victoria’s creative and economic screen development agency.
We’re behind the scenes, supporting screen businesses, infrastructure, festivals and events. Helping develop the skilled practitioners, professional crew and talented creatives that elevate Victoria as a global screen destination.
The must-watch shows. The biggest releases. The next big names. The hottest games. From silver screen to live stream, and across the screen ecosystem – you’ll find us where the action is.
An Australian-first talent escalation initiative designed by VicScreen to give emerging and mid-career television writers unparallelled writers’ room access and craft-building mentorship is underway.
Ghoulish Director and Developer Mickey Krekelberg and Character Artist Chantel Eagle share how VicScreen’s Originate Games initiative launched their studio and set their debut game in motion.
Melbourne and regional Victoria dazzle as the backdrop in the new Netflix drama, Apple Cider Vinegar. Shot almost entirely on location, there are dozens of neighbourhood favourites to spot in the six-part series.